Welcome, 1st post! The ghosts of the past, present and future…

by justin stivers

Yay, my first post! Gotta start somewhere right?

So I’m just a regular fella and (at this point) about 5 years ago took a shot at making this trading thing work and I’m still here and still standing. I still have my ups and downs, but my #1 goal over the years has just to be consistently profitable no matter the trading environment. I adapt and I’m good at not forming or falling in love with one particular direction or bias (I love shorting, I love going long!) I’m not formally educated either, so I didn’t go to [insert ivy league college here]. I didn’t have a family member or close friend to really mentor and guide. Nope, just the school of hard knocks. I did however read some amazing books and took some amazing courses along the way. For the time being I will post a dedicated page of resources, which I hope you guys find as helpful as I did.

Mainly, this site will serve the overriding theme though…which is mindfulness, awareness and spirituality (yes spirituality, I said it) within trading. If its true spirituality can be found everywhere and can touch anything, then I want to explore this within the context of trading and the stock market. I’ve been wrestling with this for years and I’m sure I will continue to do so for years to come. So if this aspect of the markets and trading interests you, then you’re in the right place my friend. I find the mentality areas of trading endlessly interesting.

For all you seasoned vets, I don’t know about you but trading forced me to be a better person. My wife will attest to this first hand too. The markets made me become aware of my emotions, aware of my thoughts. Led me to read books and expand my knowledge in ways I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. It made me become a lot more open minded. I find now that I’m more open to challenges in general. It led me to become much more in touch with my true self. I learned how to let go, I learned how to live a life of surrender, I learned how to live the best I can by the Tao, I learned how to live more in line with Stoicism. Not that I’m a master at any of these at all, not even close! I’m a lifelong student and I’m also a human and I make mistakes and even backslide sometimes. I will always try to be honest and document all the ups and downs.

Overall trading has given me many gifts, some which at the time seemed like roadblocks or even curses. Obstacles are the pathway forward, right? A tattoo that I want on my arm: Run Towards the Fire (run into that which frightens you; strengthen your weaknesses) It made me face demons and monsters that I had stashed away in my closet, some had been in there most of my life (earliest memories even). I read or heard somewhere that the market is just a mirror, I found this to be true. It brings up all your shortcomings, all your weaknesses and all your demons. Over and again, until you face them and keep them in the shining light of constant awareness.

The big plan thought is to get this site to serve as a jumping off point for services I offer in the form of life coaching for traders. Let’s face those demons and bad habits together! Even if you just want to chat/vent to someone who gets it, that’s something I’d like to offer here. I know from experience that many times, I just wanted to chat with someone. I wanted someone who understood the emotional/mental side of trading as much as they were harping on the technicals or fundamentals. So this is what I’m offering, a life coaching experience revolving around mostly just the mental aspect of trading.

I’ll probably post a little technical/fundamental analysis posts here and there. Little technical lessons or observations I learn along the way too. Moreover, I also find myself in the middle of writing two books, mostly just coming out from notes and me documenting my trading journey. So that’s also  in the future I look forward to sharing with y’all. Also, if there is any demand or interest…I’d like to create a little video course on building mental resilience with the trading angle in mind too.

Lastly, I will be releasing some handy dandy little trading apps that I’ve been working on and even using for years now. Probably free. In the end, I hope to make this a site where I can give and help. As a trader, a full time trader for a few years now…I’ve turned around and thought “Man, I kinda actually MISS people now”. I feel like I need to give, need to help, need to connect to the world somehow. So here it is, putting it all out there folks. Another blog, another site out there in the world. Jumping into the unknown.