Spirituality and Trading: The Conundrum

by justin stivers

Is it possible to peacefully navigate and even dive deeper into the studies of the mind/soul, whilst traversing a sea of fear, greed and corruption that is and seems to be intrinsic qualities of the stock market? I have to believe the answer is a resounding, yes. The markets are made up of countless individuals, countless outside factors, really just a galaxy of variables and just so many entities touch it and influence its movements. It can’t all be evil and corrupt, right?  

Certainly, I don’t believe myself to be evil (yeah, but who does?) and even though I’m a little cog, I find myself apart of this machine somehow. I long to use the privilege of a consistent trader for good and for the good of my fellow man. So maybe the markets aren’t all evil? Maybe there is good that comes from the corrupt nature of that boogey man operating out of Wall Street. But, maybe thats just my perception, of myself and of the markets in general. Or maybe I am evil and just another selfish spoiled little humanoid living a life of unconsciousness and total unawareness of self. Always reaching and wanting more, more, more!

I find myself asking: Am I taking more than I’m giving back? Am I just a cog in the greed machine? Helping to facilitate the whole crooked, messed up mess. Ugh so many contradictions, so many rabbit holes that try to suck you down into a pointless oblivion.  

However, it’s still the biggest question that needs to be answered and for me: Can spirituality be found within trading? Or, can my spiritual growth continue while engaging in (the corrupt ways) the stock market at large? And yet again, I have to say yes. Let’s define our terms first, let’s start there.

What is spirituality? It means different things to everyone for sure. Depending on your culture, upbringing, religion and even just the context that you are using the word in. What I’m talking and referring to here though is inner growth. What is inner growth? Inner awareness; awareness of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, drive/intentions, beliefs and ego. You are not your thoughts, you are not your feelings…you are the one in the center having those thoughts and feelings. For me and this is just my personal definition that I’ve concocted over the years of listening and learning. I think many of the masters would more or less agree and even echo this.

Spirituality and spiritual growth is when we look within and shine our light of awareness in the hopes and intentions of becoming better, a more balanced and more compassionate loving human. Loving to both ourselves and our fellow man. (going on a limb here) Thats what Christ was talking about right? Thats what Buddha and the Tao spoke of, no? It’s what so many of the great masters and what so many religions are teaching and trying to tell us: look within. It’s taking full responsibility for oneself and striving to understand oneself in a deeper and more constant light.  

I could go on for days and days on what spirituality is to me. But that’s not why we are here. We’re here to talk about trading and how this relates to our mentality. So, is it possible to pursue personal and spiritual growth whilst engaging in the stock market? Again, the answer must be a resounding yes. Because if one is honestly dedicated fully and truly to inner growth, then there is almost no way to carry on with any endeavor on this earth without that pursuit if taken seriously radiating love, compassion and giving.

Yes, there is no doubt there are huge elements of the markets that are rotten to the core. Totally unfiltered corruption, greed and malice. Yet this can be found in almost anything that is touched by man. Man by and large are just a sinful, greedy, selfish, spiteful little creatures. Thats how most people operate sadly and thats represented in our world.  

So it wouldn’t matter if a spiritual person (again, a person dedicated to spirituality/inner growth) was engaged in selling items online, working at the grocery store, working for a big corporation or any other huge institution…there is darkness and greed everywhere my friend. Yet, there is also light. Huge huge everlasting lights of goodness, kindness, bravery and love that somehow reverberates from these entities as well. Sure, its easy to look at things as “glass half empty”, its incredibly easy to nay-say and to shrug your shoulders and/or dismiss. I choose to look at the individual, I choose to take each individual case on its own merit. I honor the fact that I can’t and do not know everything, I don’t know what others are thinking/feeling. Do you?

Are you involved in the markets; are you corrupt and evil and greedy? I believe as long as the individual has the will to become better and more self aware and fully responsible for their actions and life choices, then it doesn’t really matter what or how you make a living in this world.(within reason) As long as you look within, being involved in the markets should not stop you from being a truly spiritual person. Always look within, thats where all your answers lie.